
Showing posts from January, 2021

Production Calendar

Production Calendar In order to stay organized and on track with the completion of  my magazine. I have decided to make a production calendar. I will label and follow this calendar accordingly. This calendar will signify what I should be doing each week and will guide me to completion.

Practice Feature Lead

      In this blog, I will be practicing and assessing my ability to write my own practice lead as I will have to create one for my own magazine. Given the story below:    " The police in this municipality received a call at 3:45 p.m. yesterday afternoon. A woman shouted at the sergeant who answered the telephone. She said: "My son's been beaten. His teacher whipped him this afternoon, and he's all red where she paddled him. Can teachers do that? That's assault and battery, and I want her arrested." Two police officers were sent to the home. They questioned the boy, who is 9 years old. At his mother's insistence, the police officers also inspected the boy's reported injuries. They reported: "We couldn't tell that the boy had been paddled. His fanny didn't look red to us, but we did notice that his pants legs were wet and muddy. As we talked, it became obvious that he boy was lying. He finally admitted that he had stopped to play on the wa

Feature Stories

 This class we took time to learn about feature stories, their components, and importance.      Feature writings tells the reader a story. They include a lead, middle, and end. It also allows readers to see the story through the use of detailed description, vivid writing. Including feature stories in magazines gives readers a break from the normal content and provides them something more engaging.      Most contents found in magazines only provides a brief description of the topic. On the contrary, f eatures are more in-depth than traditional news  stories  and go beyond providing the most important facts. The  purpose  of these  stories  is to provide a detailed description of a place, person, idea, or organization. Over the next few days, I will continue my research on the role of feature stories and practice creating my own.